Ngwatilo Mawiyoo Interviewed at Roll of Nickels
The latest New-Generation African Poets chapbook box set will be out this month. One of the outstanding poets included in the set, Ngwatilo Mawiyoo, was recently interviewed at Roll of Nickels. As well as featuring one of her poems, Mawiyoo speaks in the interview about place and community, and the pressure to constantly redefine yourself:
“It’s tedious in that I find myself always having to define and redefine my identity and its meaning in the particular community I’m living among at a given moment. And it’s hard to be consistent especially the more you know about the “other,” and come to understand them. As a writer I try to find language to write across these spaces as honestly as I can. How do I stay tethered? I don’t know.”
Check out the rest of the interview at Roll of Nickels.